Special news from RICS in the CEE region

In these uncertain times, due to the rapid escalation of the corona virus across all markets, RICS has taken some exceptional measures, such as the cancellation of all events before April 24. The events will be rescheduled when we know more how the situation evolves.


Our regional office in Brussels remains closed for the moment, but our team continue to work remotely from home and can be contacted by email or by phone during normal office hours. We are in touch with our regional and local boards to discuss the challenges we are facing and give a positive response.


Our support


It is not an easy time and we would like to do our best to support you:

  • Instead of face-to-face, we are expanding our online trainings and events https://my-rics.org/4I51-T100-48CQN9-MM7RN-1/c.aspx
  • Through our World Built Environment Forum (WBEF) series of free webinarshttps://my-rics.org/4I51-T100-48CQN9-MM7RO-1/c.aspx, you can explore how industry leaders can positively address some of the world’s most important challenges. As part of this offer, you will get very soon an invitation to join our European WBEF webinar on the impact of COVID-19 in the European real estate markets. An opportunity to analyse the situation and support the World Health Organisation (WHO) to fight against the corona virus pandemic, thanks to our sponsors’ contribution. Save the date: Tuesday 7 April 2020, 14:00 – 15:00 CET.
  • To continue advancing, we will be offering up to 12 hours of free CPD to our European members through our online academy https://my-rics.org/4I51-T100-48CQN9-MM7RP-1/c.aspx (OLA). You will be able to select some of the most demanded learning courses on ethics and professional conduct to continue your career progression.
  • If you are concerned about how your profession will be impacted by the current crisis, we are developing guidance for professionals https://my-rics.org/4I51-T100-48CQN9-MM7RQ-1/c.aspx on important areas of risk, such as valuation.
  • We will continue to monitor developments and seek further help related to finances and wellbeing. Remember Lionheart https://my-rics.org/4I51-T100-48CQN9-MM81L-1/c.aspx, an independent charity for RICS professionals globally can offer free and confidential advice, financial support, professional counselling and legal advice.


Your opinion matters to us


Do you have any suggestions for us on how the government can support our industry – especially the self-employed among you – in the current situation? Please write to us and we will bring your suggestions to our professional groups and advisory board. You can stay in touch and interact with us via our social media channels. You can also remain updated via our COVID-19 response hub on rics.org.


Stay healthy,