The Professional Education Program for property valuers is based on the educational and professional standards prescribed by The European Group of Valuers’ Association (TEGoVA).
The curriculum of the Program consists of six courses (a minimum of 120 hours, ie two months of teaching) and enables the students to acquire all the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in the field of value assessment and other relevant fields.
Attendees will have the opportunity to learn from an interdisciplinary team of lecturers established in the field of value assessment with years of teaching and practical experience. The implementation of the program is supported by an adequate online educational platform, which contains, among other things, comprehensive teaching materials and updated information on the Program and teaching.
The program can be attended in two ways: in-class and online (whereby the requirements of the program are identical for both modes of attendance, with the exception of the minimum required attendance of classes for in-class students). Upon successful completion of the Program, participants are awarded a certificate.